Source code for uiautomator2

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

atx-agent:ReverseProxy use http.DefaultTransport. Default Timeout: 30s

|-- Dial --|-- TLS handshake --|-- Request --|-- Resp.headers --|-- Respose.body --|
|------------------------------ http.Client.Timeout -------------------------------|


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import functools
import hashlib
import io
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union

import humanize
import requests
import six
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from retry import retry
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

import adbutils
from deprecated import deprecated
from logzero import logger

from . import xpath
from .utils import list2cmdline
from .exceptions import (BaseError, ConnectError, GatewayError, JsonRpcError,
                         NullObjectExceptionError, NullPointerExceptionError,
                         SessionBrokenError, StaleObjectExceptionError,
                         UiaError, UiAutomationNotConnectedError,
from .init import Initer
from .session import Session, set_fail_prompt  # noqa: F401
from .utils import cache_return
from .version import __atx_agent_version__
from .settings import Settings
from .watcher import Watcher

if six.PY2:
    FileNotFoundError = OSError

DEBUG = False

class _ProgressBar(
    message = "progress"
    suffix = '%(percent)d%% [%(eta_td)s, %(speed)s]'

    def speed(self):
        return humanize.naturalsize(self.elapsed and self.index / self.elapsed,
                                    gnu=True) + '/s'

def log_print(s):
    thread_name = threading.current_thread().getName()
    print(thread_name + ": " +'%H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3] +
          " " + s)

def fix_wifi_addr(addr: str) -> Optional[str]:
    if not addr:
        return None
    if re.match(r"^https?://", addr):  # eg:
        return addr

    # make a request
    # eg:,
    if ':' not in addr:
        addr += ":7912"  # make default port 7912
        r = requests.get("http://" + addr + "/version", timeout=2)
        return "http://" + addr
        return None

def connect(addr=None):
        addr (str): uiautomator server address or serial number. default from env-var ANDROID_DEVICE_IP



        connect("") # use default 7912 port
        connect("cff1123ea")  # adb device serial number
    if not addr or addr == '+':
        addr = os.getenv('ANDROID_DEVICE_IP') or os.getenv("ANDROID_SERIAL")
    wifi_addr = fix_wifi_addr(addr)
    if wifi_addr:
        return connect_wifi(addr)
    return connect_usb(addr)

def connect_adb_wifi(addr):
    Run adb connect, and then call connect_usb(..)

        addr: ip+port which can be used for "adb connect" argument

    assert isinstance(addr, six.string_types)[adbutils.adb_path(), "connect", addr])
    try:[adbutils.adb_path(), "-s", addr, "wait-for-device"],
    except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
        raise ConnectError("Fail execute", "adb connect " + addr)
    return connect_usb(addr)

def connect_usb(serial=None, healthcheck=False, init=False):
        serial (str): android device serial



    adb = adbutils.AdbClient()
    if not serial:
        device = adb.device()
        serial = device.serial

    d = Device()
    d._connect_method = "usb"
    d._serial = serial

    if healthcheck:
        warnings.warn("healthcheck param is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
    if init:
        warnings.warn("init param is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
    return d

def connect_wifi(addr: str) -> "Device":
        addr (str) uiautomator server address.



    if not re.match(r"^https?://", addr):
        addr = "http://" + addr
    # fixed_addr = fix_wifi_addr(addr)
    # if fixed_addr is None:
    # raise ConnectError("addr is invalid or atx-agent is not running", addr)
    u = urlparse.urlparse(addr)
    host = u.hostname
    port = u.port or 7912
    d = Device(host, port)
    d._connect_method = "wifi"
    return d

class TimeoutRequestsSession(requests.Session):
    def __init__(self):
        super(TimeoutRequestsSession, self).__init__()
        retries = Retry(total=3, connect=3, backoff_factor=0.5)
        # refs:
        # refs:
        adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
        self.mount("http://", adapter)
        self.mount("https://", adapter)

    def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        if 'timeout' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['timeout'] = HTTP_TIMEOUT
        verbose = hasattr(self, 'debug') and self.debug
        if verbose:
            data = kwargs.get('data') or '""'
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                data = json.dumps(data)
            time_start = time.time()
                  "$ curl -X {method} -d '{data}' '{url}'".format(
                      method=method, url=url, data=data))  # yaml: disable
            resp = super(TimeoutRequestsSession,
                         self).request(method, url, **kwargs)
        except requests.ConnectionError as e:
            # High possibly atx-agent is down
            if verbose:
                    "Response (%d ms) >>>\n" %
                    ((time.time() - time_start) * 1000) + resp.text.rstrip() +
                    "\n<<< END")

            from types import MethodType

            def raise_for_status(_self):
                if _self.status_code != 200:
                    raise requests.HTTPError(_self.status_code, _self.text)

            resp.raise_for_status = MethodType(raise_for_status, resp)
            return resp

def plugin_register(name, plugin, *args, **kwargs):
    Add plugin into Device

        name: string
        plugin: class or function which take d as first parameter

        def upload_screenshot(d):
            def inner():
                # use upload tmp.jpg
            return inner

        plugin_register("upload_screenshot", save_screenshot)

        d = u2.connect()
    Device.plugins()[name] = (plugin, args, kwargs)

def plugin_clear():

[docs]class Device(object): __isfrozen = False __plugins = {} def __init__(self, host="", port=7912): """ Args: host (str): host address port (int): port number Raises: EnvironmentError """ self._host = host self._port = port self._adb_device = None # adbutils.Device self._serial = None self._connect_method = None self._reqsess = TimeoutRequestsSession( ) # use Session to enable HTTP Keep-Alive self._default_session = Session(self, None) self._cached_plugins = {} self._hooks = {} self._atx_agent_path = "/data/local/tmp/atx-agent" self.__devinfo = None self.__uiautomator_failed = False self.__uiautomator_lock = threading.Lock() self.platform = None # hot fix for weditor self.ash = AdbShell( # the powerful adb shell self._freeze() # prevent creating new attrs def _freeze(self): self.__isfrozen = True
[docs] def request_agent(self, relative_url: str, method="get", timeout=60.0): """ send http-request to atx-agent """ return self._reqsess.request(method, relative_url, timeout=timeout)
def _init_atx_agent(self, start_uiautomator=False): """ Install atx-agent and app-uiautomator apks, only usb connected device is ok """ if self._connect_method != "usb": raise ConnectError("http connection is down") assert self._connect_method == "usb" assert self._serial self._adb_device = self.__wait_for_device(self._serial) if not self._adb_device: raise RuntimeError("USB device %s is offline" % self._serial) ad = self._adb_device lport = ad.forward_port(7912) self._port = lport if self.agent_alive and self.alive: return initer = Initer(ad) if not initer.check_install(): initer.install() # same as run cli: uiautomator2 init if not self.agent_alive: self.__start_atx_agent() if start_uiautomator: if not self.alive: self.reset_uiautomator("atx-agent restarted") def __wait_for_device(self, serial: str, timeout=70.0): """ wait for device came online """ deadline = time.time() + timeout first = True while time.time() < deadline: device = None for d in adbutils.adb.device_list(): if d.serial == serial: device = d break if device: if not first:"device(%s) came online", serial) return device if first: first = False else:"wait for device(%s), left(%.1fs)", serial, deadline - time.time()) time.sleep(2.0) return None def __start_atx_agent(self): warnings.warn("start atx-agent ...", RuntimeWarning) # TODO: /data/local/tmp might not be execuable and atx-agent can be somewhere else ad = self._adb_device[self._atx_agent_path, "server", "--stop"])[self._atx_agent_path, "server", "--nouia", "-d"]) deadline = time.time() + 3 while time.time() < deadline: if self.agent_alive: return raise RuntimeError("atx-agent recover failed") @property def _server_url(self): return 'http://{}:{}'.format(self._host, self._port) @property def jsonrpc_url(self): return self._server_url + "/jsonrpc/0" def _request(self, method: str, url: str, reconnect=True, **kwargs): """ make http request with reconnect Args: method (str): get, put, delete or post url: request url reconnect (bool): default True """ try: return self._reqsess.request(method, self.path2url(url), **kwargs) except requests.ConnectionError: if not reconnect: raise self._init_atx_agent() return self._reqsess.request(method, self.path2url(url), **kwargs) # for compatible with old version @property def wait_timeout(self): # wait element timeout return self.settings['wait_timeout'] @wait_timeout.setter def wait_timeout(self, v: Union[int, float]): self.settings['wait_timeout'] = v @property def click_post_delay(self): return self.settings['post_delay'] @click_post_delay.setter def click_post_delay(self, v: Union[int, float]): self.settings['post_delay'] = v # end of compatible code @property def debug(self): return hasattr(self._reqsess, 'debug') and self._reqsess.debug @debug.setter def debug(self, value): self._reqsess.debug = bool(value) @staticmethod def plugins(): return Device.__plugins def __setattr__(self, key, value): """ Prevent creating new attributes outside __init__ """ if self.__isfrozen and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError("Key %s does not exist in class %r" % (key, self)) object.__setattr__(self, key, value) def __str__(self): return 'uiautomator2 object for %s:%d' % (self._host, self._port) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def serial(self): if not self._serial: self._serial ='getprop ro.serialno').output.strip() return self._serial @property def address(self): return f"http://{self._host}:{self._port}" @property def jsonrpc(self): """ Make jsonrpc call easier For example: self.jsonrpc.pressKey("home") """ return self.setup_jsonrpc() def path2url(self, path: str): if re.match(r"^https?://", path): return path return urlparse.urljoin(self._server_url, path)
[docs] def window_size(self): """ return (width, height) """ info = self._request("get", '/info').json() w, h = info['display']['width'], info['display']['height'] rotation = self._get_orientation() if (w > h) != (rotation % 2 == 1): w, h = h, w return w, h
def _get_orientation(self): """ Rotaion of the phone 0: normal 1: home key on the right 2: home key on the top 3: home key on the left """ _DISPLAY_RE = re.compile( r'.*DisplayViewport{valid=true, .*orientation=(?P<orientation>\d+), .*deviceWidth=(?P<width>\d+), deviceHeight=(?P<height>\d+).*' )"dumpsys display") for line in['dumpsys', 'display']).output.splitlines(): m =, 0) if not m: continue # w = int('width')) # h = int('height')) o = int('orientation')) # w, h = min(w, h), max(w, h) return o return["displayRotation"]
[docs] def hooks_register(self, func): """ Args: func: should accept 3 args. func_name:string, args:tuple, kwargs:dict """ self._hooks[func] = True
[docs] def hooks_apply(self, stage, func_name, args=(), kwargs={}, ret=None): """ Args: stage(str): one of "before" or "after" """ for fn in self._hooks.keys(): fn(stage, func_name, args, kwargs, ret)
[docs] def setup_jsonrpc(self, jsonrpc_url=None): """ Wrap jsonrpc call into object Usage example: self.setup_jsonrpc().pressKey("home") """ class JSONRpcWrapper(): def __init__(self, server): self.server = server self.method = None def __getattr__(self, method): self.method = method # jsonrpc function name return self def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): http_timeout = kwargs.pop('http_timeout', HTTP_TIMEOUT) params = args if args else kwargs return self.server.jsonrpc_retry_call(self.method, params, http_timeout) return JSONRpcWrapper(self)
def jsonrpc_retry_call(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return self.jsonrpc_call(*args, **kwargs) except (GatewayError, ): warnings.warn( "uiautomator2 is not reponding, restart uiautomator2 automatically", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=1) self.reset_uiautomator("UiAutomator stopped") except requests.ReadTimeout as e: self.reset_uiautomator("Http read-timeout: " + str(e)) except UiAutomationNotConnectedError: self.reset_uiautomator("UiAutomation not connected") except (NullObjectExceptionError, NullPointerExceptionError, StaleObjectExceptionError) as e: if args[1] != 'dumpWindowHierarchy': # args[1] method warnings.warn( "uiautomator2 raise exception %s, and run code again" % e, RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=1) time.sleep(1) except requests.ConnectionError: "Device connection is not stable, rerun init-atx-agent ...") if self._connect_method == "usb": self._init_atx_agent() else: raise return self.jsonrpc_call(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def jsonrpc_call(self, method, params=[], http_timeout=60): """ jsonrpc2 call Refs: - """ jsonrpc_url = self.jsonrpc_url request_start = time.time() data = { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": self._jsonrpc_id(method), "method": method, "params": params, } data = json.dumps(data) res = self._request( "post", jsonrpc_url, # +"?m="+method, #?method is for debug headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=http_timeout, data=data) if DEBUG: print("Shell$ curl -X POST -d '{}' {}".format(data, jsonrpc_url)) print("Output> " + res.text) if res.status_code == 502: raise GatewayError( res, "gateway error, time used %.1fs" % (time.time() - request_start)) if res.status_code == 410: # http status gone: session broken raise SessionBrokenError("app quit or crash", jsonrpc_url, res.text) if res.status_code != 200: raise BaseError(jsonrpc_url, data, res.status_code, res.text, "HTTP Return code is not 200", res.text) jsondata = res.json() error = jsondata.get('error') if not error: return jsondata.get('result') # error happends err = JsonRpcError(error, method) def is_exception(err, exception_name): return err.exception_name == exception_name or exception_name in err.message if isinstance(, six.string_types) and 'UiAutomation not connected' in err.__class__ = UiAutomationNotConnectedError elif err.message: if is_exception(err, 'uiautomator.UiObjectNotFoundException'): err.__class__ = UiObjectNotFoundError elif is_exception( err, ''): # StaleObjectException # # A StaleObjectException exception is thrown when a UiObject2 is used after the underlying View has been destroyed. # In this case, it is necessary to call findObject(BySelector) to obtain a new UiObject2 instance. err.__class__ = StaleObjectExceptionError elif is_exception(err, 'java.lang.NullObjectException'): err.__class__ = NullObjectExceptionError elif is_exception(err, 'java.lang.NullPointerException'): err.__class__ = NullPointerExceptionError raise err
def _jsonrpc_id(self, method): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(("%s at %f" % (method, time.time())).encode("utf-8")) return m.hexdigest() @property def agent_alive(self): try: r = self._request("get", '/version', timeout=2, reconnect=False) if r.status_code == 200: return True except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError) as e: return False @property def alive(self): try: r = self._request("post", '/jsonrpc/0', data=json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "deviceInfo" }), timeout=2, reconnect=False) if r.status_code != 200: return False if r.json().get('error'): # logger.debug("alive error:", r.json().get('error')) return False return True except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: return False except EnvironmentError: return False def _kill_process_by_name(self, name): for p in self._iter_process(): if == name and p.user == "shell": logger.debug("kill uiautomator")["kill", "-9", str(])
[docs] def service(self, name): """ Manage service start or stop Example: d.service("uiautomator").start() d.service("uiautomator").stop() """ u2obj = self class _Service(object): def __init__(self, name): = name # FIXME(ssx): support other service: minicap, minitouch assert name == 'uiautomator' self.service_url = u2obj.path2url("/services/" + name) def raise_for_status(self, res): if res.status_code != 200: if res.headers['content-type'].startswith( "application/json"): raise RuntimeError(res.json()["description"]) warnings.warn(res.text) res.raise_for_status() def start(self): """ Manually run with the following command: adb shell am instrument -w -r -e debug false -e class com.github.uiautomator.stub.Stub \ com.github.uiautomator.test/ """ # kill uiautomator res = self.raise_for_status(res) def stop(self): """ 1. stop command which launched with uiautomator 1.0 Eg: adb shell uiautomator runtest androidUiAutomator.jar """ res = u2obj._reqsess.delete(self.service_url) self.raise_for_status(res) def running(self) -> bool: res = u2obj._reqsess.get(self.service_url) self.raise_for_status(res) return res.json().get("running") return _Service(name)
@property def uiautomator(self): return self.service("uiautomator")
[docs] def set_new_command_timeout(self, timeout: int): """ default 3 minutes Args: timeout (int): seconds """ r = self._request("post", "/newCommandTimeout", data=str(int(timeout))) data = r.json() assert data['success'], data['description']"%s", data['description'])
[docs] def reset_uiautomator(self, reason="unknown"): """ Reset uiautomator Raises: RuntimeError Orders: - stop uiautomator keeper - am force-stop com.github.uiautomator - start uiautomator keeper(am instrument -w ...) - wait until uiautomator service is ready """ logger.debug("restart-uiautomator since \"%s\"", reason) with self.__uiautomator_lock: if self.alive: return ok = self._force_reset_uiautomator_v2() # uiautomator 2.0 if not ok: shret = "am instrument -w -r -e debug false -e class com.github.uiautomator.stub.Stub com.github.uiautomator.test/", timeout=3) if "does not have a signature matching the target " in shret.output: raise RuntimeError( "com.github.uiautomator does not have a signature matching the target com.github.uiautomator.test, please reinstall apks" ) if not self._force_reset_uiautomator_v2(launch_test_app=True): raise EnvironmentError( "Uiautomator started failed.", "", "adb shell am instrument -w -r -e debug false -e class com.github.uiautomator.stub.Stub com.github.uiautomator.test/", shret.output)"uiautomator back to normal")
def _force_reset_uiautomator_v1(self): """ uiautomator v1 only need bundle.jar and uiautomator-stub.jar Refs: """ self.uiautomator.start() deadline = time.time() + 20.0 while time.time() < deadline: logger.debug("uiautomator(1.0) is starting ...") if self.alive: return True time.sleep(1) return False def _grant_app_permissions(self): logger.debug("grant permissions") for permission in [ "android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW", "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE", ]:['pm', 'grant', "com.github.uiautomator", permission]) def _show_float_window(self, show=True): """ 显示悬浮窗,提高uiautomator运行的稳定性 """ arg = "true" if show else "false"[ "am", "start", "-n", "com.github.uiautomator/.ToastActivity", "-e", "showFloatWindow", arg ]) def _force_reset_uiautomator_v2(self, launch_test_app=False): brand ="getprop ro.product.brand").output.strip() logger.debug("Device: %s, %s", brand, self.serial) package_name = "com.github.uiautomator" self.uiautomator.stop()["am", "force-stop", package_name]) logger.debug("stop app: %s", package_name) # stop command which launched with uiautomator 1.0 # eg: adb shell uiautomator runtest androidUiAutomator.jar logger.debug("kill process(ps): uiautomator") self._kill_process_by_name("uiautomator") if launch_test_app: self._grant_app_permissions() self.app_start(package_name, ".ToastActivity") # -e showFloatWindow true self.uiautomator.start() # wait until uiautomator2 service is working time.sleep(.5) deadline = time.time() + 40.0 # in vivo-Y67, launch timeout 24s while time.time() < deadline: logger.debug("uiautomator-v2 is starting ... left: %.1fs", deadline - time.time()) if not self.uiautomator.running(): break if self.alive: return True time.sleep(1.0) self.uiautomator.stop() return False
[docs] def healthcheck(self): """ Reset device into health state Raises: RuntimeError """ sh = self.ash if not sh.is_screen_on(): print(time.strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"), "wakeup screen") sh.keyevent("WAKEUP") sh.keyevent("HOME") sh.swipe(0.1, 0.9, 0.9, 0.1) # swipe to unlock sh.keyevent("HOME") sh.keyevent("BACK") self.reset_uiautomator("healthcheck")
[docs] def app_install(self, url, installing_callback=None, server=None): """ {u'message': u'downloading', "progress": {u'totalSize': 407992690, u'copiedSize': 49152}} Returns: packageName Raises: RuntimeError """ r = self._request("post", '/install', data={'url': url}) if r.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("app install error:", r.text) id = r.text.strip() print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), "id:", id) return self._wait_install_finished(id, installing_callback)
def _wait_install_finished(self, id, installing_callback): bar = None downloaded = True while True: resp = self._request("get", '/install/' + id) resp.raise_for_status() jdata = resp.json() message = jdata['message'] pg = jdata.get('progress') def notty_print_progress(pg): written = pg['copiedSize'] total = pg['totalSize'] print( time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), 'downloading %.1f%% [%s/%s]' % (100.0 * written / total if total != 0 else 0, humanize.naturalsize(written, gnu=True), humanize.naturalsize(total, gnu=True))) if message == 'downloading': downloaded = False if pg: # if there is a progress if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty'): if sys.stdout.isatty(): if not bar: bar = _ProgressBar(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' downloading', max=pg['totalSize']) written = pg['copiedSize'] - bar.index) else: notty_print_progress(pg) else: pass else: print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), "download initialing") else: if not downloaded: downloaded = True if bar: # bar only set in atty['copiedSize'] - bar.index) if pg else None bar.finish() else: print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), "download 100%") print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), message) if message == 'installing': if callable(installing_callback): installing_callback(self) if message == 'success installed': return jdata.get('packageName') if jdata.get('error'): raise RuntimeError("error", jdata.get('error')) try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: bar.finish() if bar else None print("keyboard interrupt catched, cancel install id", id) self._request("delete", '/install/' + id) raise
[docs] def shell(self, cmdargs, stream=False, timeout=60): """ Run adb shell command with arguments and return its output. Require atx-agent >=0.3.3 Args: cmdargs: str or list, example: "ls -l" or ["ls", "-l"] timeout: seconds of command run, works on when stream is False stream: bool used for long running process. Returns: (output, exit_code) when stream is False requests.Response when stream is True, you have to close it after using Raises: RuntimeError For atx-agent is not support return exit code now. When command got something wrong, exit_code is always 1, otherwise exit_code is always 0 """ cmdline = list2cmdline(cmdargs) if isinstance(cmdargs, (list, tuple)) else cmdargs # yapf: disable if stream: return self._request("get", "/shell/stream", params={"command": cmdline}, timeout=None, stream=True) ret = self._request("post", '/shell', data={ 'command': cmdline, 'timeout': str(timeout) }, timeout=timeout + 10) if ret.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( "device agent responds with an error code %d" % ret.status_code, ret.text) resp = ret.json() exit_code = 1 if resp.get('error') else 0 exit_code = resp.get('exitCode', exit_code) shell_response = namedtuple("ShellResponse", ("output", "exit_code")) return shell_response(resp.get('output'), exit_code)
[docs] def adb_shell(self, *args): """ Example: adb_shell('pwd') adb_shell('ls', '-l') adb_shell('ls -l') Returns: string for stdout merged with stderr, after the entire shell command is completed. """ # print( # "DeprecatedWarning: adb_shell is deprecated, use: output, exit_code = shell(['ls', '-l']) instead" # ) cmdline = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else list2cmdline(args) return[0]
[docs] def app_start(self, package_name, activity=None, extras={}, wait=False, stop=False, unlock=False, launch_timeout=None, use_monkey=False): """ Launch application Args: package_name (str): package name activity (str): app activity stop (bool): Stop app before starting the activity. (require activity) use_monkey (bool): use monkey command to start app when activity is not given wait (bool): wait until app started. default False Raises: SessionBrokenError """ if unlock: self.unlock() if stop: self.app_stop(package_name) if use_monkey:[ 'monkey', '-p', package_name, '-c', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER', '1' ]) if wait: self.app_wait(package_name) return if not activity: info = self.app_info(package_name) activity = info['mainActivity'] if activity.find(".") == -1: activity = "." + activity # -D: enable debugging # -W: wait for launch to complete # -S: force stop the target app before starting the activity # --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not # specified then run as the current user. # -e <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE> # --ei <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> # --ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE> args = [ 'am', 'start', '-a', 'android.intent.action.MAIN', '-c', 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER' ] args += ['-n', '{}/{}'.format(package_name, activity)] # -e --ez extra_args = [] for k, v in extras.items(): if isinstance(v, bool): extra_args.extend(['--ez', k, 'true' if v else 'false']) elif isinstance(v, int): extra_args.extend(['--ei', k, str(v)]) else: extra_args.extend(['-e', k, v]) args += extra_args if wait: self.app_wait(package_name)
@deprecated(version="2.0.0", reason="You should use app_current instead") def current_app(self): return self.app_current()
[docs] @retry(EnvironmentError, delay=.5, tries=3, jitter=.1) def app_current(self): """ Returns: dict(package, activity, pid?) Raises: EnvironementError For developer: Function reset_uiautomator need this function, so can't use jsonrpc here. """ # Related issue: # $ adb shell dumpsys window windows # Example output: # mCurrentFocus=Window{41b37570 u0 com.incall.apps.launcher/com.incall.apps.launcher.Launcher} # mFocusedApp=AppWindowToken{422df168 token=Token{422def98 ActivityRecord{422dee38 u0 com.example/ t14}}} # Regexp # r'mFocusedApp=.*ActivityRecord{\w+ \w+ (?P<package>.*)/(?P<activity>.*) .*' # r'mCurrentFocus=Window{\w+ \w+ (?P<package>.*)/(?P<activity>.*)\}') _focusedRE = re.compile( r'mCurrentFocus=Window{.*\s+(?P<package>[^\s]+)/(?P<activity>[^\s]+)\}' ) m =['dumpsys', 'window', 'windows'])[0]) if m: return dict('package'),'activity')) # try: adb shell dumpsys activity top _activityRE = re.compile( r'ACTIVITY (?P<package>[^\s]+)/(?P<activity>[^/\s]+) \w+ pid=(?P<pid>\d+)' ) output, _ =['dumpsys', 'activity', 'top']) ms = _activityRE.finditer(output) ret = None for m in ms: ret = dict('package'),'activity'), pid=int('pid'))) if ret: # get last result return ret raise EnvironmentError("Couldn't get focused app")
[docs] def wait_activity(self, activity, timeout=10): """ wait activity Args: activity (str): name of activity timeout (float): max wait time Returns: bool of activity """ deadline = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < deadline: current_activity = self.app_current().get('activity') if activity == current_activity: return True time.sleep(.5) return False
[docs] def app_wait(self, package_name: str, timeout: float = 20.0, front=False) -> int: """ Wait until app launched Args: package_name (str): package name timeout (float): maxium wait time front (bool): wait until app is current app Returns: pid (int) 0 if launch failed """ pid = None deadline = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < deadline: if front: if self.app_current()['package'] == package_name: pid = self._pidof_app(package_name) break else: if package_name in self.app_list_running(): pid = self._pidof_app(package_name) break time.sleep(1) return pid or 0
[docs] def app_list(self, filter: str = None) -> list: """ Args: filter: [-f] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-3] [-i] [-u] [--user USER_ID] [FILTER] Returns: list of apps by filter """ output, _ =['pm', 'list', 'packages', filter]) packages = re.findall(r'package:([^\s]+)', output) return list(packages)
[docs] def app_list_running(self) -> list: """ Returns: list of running apps """ output, _ =['pm', 'list', 'packages']) packages = re.findall(r'package:([^\s]+)', output) process_names = re.findall(r'([^\s]+)$','ps; ps -A').output, re.M) return list(set(packages).intersection(process_names))
def _iter_process(self): """ List processes by cmd:ps Returns: list of Process(pid, name) """ headers, pids = [], {} Header = None Process = namedtuple("Process", ["user", "pid", "name"]) for line in"ps; ps -A").output.splitlines(): # USER PID ..... NAME fields = line.strip().split() if fields[0] == "USER": continue if not fields[1].isdigit(): continue user, pid, name = fields[0], int(fields[1]), fields[-1] if pid in pids: continue pids[pid] = True yield Process(user, pid, name)
[docs] def app_stop(self, pkg_name): """ Stop one application: am force-stop"""['am', 'force-stop', pkg_name])
[docs] def app_stop_all(self, excludes=[]): """ Stop all third party applications Args: excludes (list): apps that do now want to kill Returns: a list of killed apps """ our_apps = ['com.github.uiautomator', 'com.github.uiautomator.test'] kill_pkgs = set(self.app_list_running()).difference(our_apps + excludes) for pkg_name in kill_pkgs: self.app_stop(pkg_name) return list(kill_pkgs)
[docs] def app_clear(self, pkg_name): """ Stop and clear app data: pm clear """['pm', 'clear', pkg_name])
[docs] def app_uninstall(self, pkg_name) -> bool: """ Uninstall an app Returns: bool: success """ ret =["pm", "uninstall", pkg_name]) return ret.exit_code == 0
[docs] def app_uninstall_all(self, excludes=[], verbose=False): """ Uninstall all apps """ our_apps = ['com.github.uiautomator', 'com.github.uiautomator.test'] output, _ =['pm', 'list', 'packages', '-3']) pkgs = re.findall(r'package:([^\s]+)', output) pkgs = set(pkgs).difference(our_apps + excludes) pkgs = list(pkgs) for pkg_name in pkgs: if verbose: print("uninstalling", pkg_name, " ", end="", flush=True) ok = self.app_uninstall(pkg_name) if verbose: print("OK" if ok else "FAIL") return pkgs
[docs] def unlock(self): """ unlock screen """ if not['screenOn']:"power") self.swipe(0.1, 0.9, 0.9, 0.1)
# self.open_identify() #"home")
[docs] def open_identify(self, theme='black'): """ Args: theme (str): black or red """[ 'am', 'start', '-W', '-n', 'com.github.uiautomator/.IdentifyActivity', '-e', 'theme', theme ])
def _pidof_app(self, pkg_name): """ Return pid of package name """ text = self._request("get", '/pidof/' + pkg_name).text if text.isdigit(): return int(text)
[docs] def push_url(self, url, dst, mode=0o644): """ Args: url (str): http url address dst (str): destination mode (str): file mode Raises: FileNotFoundError(py3) OSError(py2) """ modestr = oct(mode).replace('o', '') r = self._request("post", '/download', data={ 'url': url, 'filepath': dst, 'mode': modestr }) if r.status_code != 200: raise IOError("push-url", "%s -> %s" % (url, dst), r.text) key = r.text.strip() while 1: r = self._request("get", '/download/' + key) jdata = r.json() message = jdata.get('message') if message == 'downloaded': log_print("downloaded") break elif message == 'downloading': progress = jdata.get('progress') if progress: copied_size = progress.get('copiedSize') total_size = progress.get('totalSize') log_print("{} {} / {}".format( message, humanize.naturalsize(copied_size), humanize.naturalsize(total_size))) else: log_print("downloading") else: log_print("unknown json:" + str(jdata)) raise IOError(message) time.sleep(1)
[docs] def push(self, src, dst, mode=0o644): """ Args: src (path or fileobj): source file dst (str): destination can be folder or file path Returns: dict object, for example: {"mode": "0660", "size": 63, "target": "/sdcard/ABOUT.rst"} Since chmod may fail in android, the result "mode" may not same with input args(mode) Raises: IOError(if push got something wrong) """ modestr = oct(mode).replace('o', '') pathname = '/upload/' + dst.lstrip('/') if isinstance(src, six.string_types): src = open(src, 'rb') r = self._request("post", pathname, data={'mode': modestr}, files={'file': src}) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() raise IOError("push", "%s -> %s" % (src, dst), r.text)
[docs] def pull(self, src: str, dst: str): """ Pull file from device to local Raises: FileNotFoundError(py3) OSError(py2) Require atx-agent >= 0.0.9 """ pathname = "/raw/" + src.lstrip("/") r = self._request("get", pathname, stream=True) if r.status_code != 200: raise FileNotFoundError("pull", src, r.text) with open(dst, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) if == 'nt': # hotfix windows file size zero bug f.close()
[docs] def pull_content(self, src: str) -> bytes: """ Read remote file content Raises: FileNotFoundError """ pathname = "/raw/" + src.lstrip("/") r = self._request("get", pathname) if r.status_code != 200: raise FileNotFoundError("pull", src, r.text) return r.content
@property def screenshot_uri(self): return 'http://%s:%d/screenshot/0' % (self._host, self._port)
[docs] def screenshot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Take screenshot of device Returns: PIL.Image """ return self.session().screenshot(*args, **kwargs)
@property def device_info(self): if self.__devinfo: return self.__devinfo self.__devinfo = self._request("get", '/info').json() return self.__devinfo
[docs] def app_info(self, pkg_name): """ Get app info Args: pkg_name (str): package name Return example: { "mainActivity": "com.github.uiautomator.MainActivity", "label": "ATX", "versionName": "1.1.7", "versionCode": 1001007, "size":1760809 } Raises: UiaError """ resp = self._request("get", f"/packages/{pkg_name}/info") resp.raise_for_status() resp = resp.json() if not resp.get('success'): raise BaseError(resp.get('description', 'unknown')) return resp.get('data')
[docs] def app_icon(self, package_name: str): """ Returns: PIL.Image Raises: UiaError """ from PIL import Image url = f'/packages/{package_name}/icon' resp = self._request("get", url) resp.raise_for_status() return
@property def wlan_ip(self): return self._request("get", "/wlan/ip").text.strip()
[docs] def disable_popups(self, enable=True): """ Automatic click all popups TODO: need fix """ raise NotImplementedError() # self.watcher if enable: self.jsonrpc.setAccessibilityPatterns({ "": [u"确定", u"安装", u"下一步", u"好", u"允许", u"我知道"], "com.miui.securitycenter": [u"继续安装"], # xiaomi "": [u"允许"], # xiaomi "android": [u"好", u"安装"], # vivo "com.huawei.systemmanager": [u"立即删除"], # huawei "": [u"同意"], # 锤子 }) else: self.jsonrpc.setAccessibilityPatterns({})
[docs] def session(self, pkg_name=None, attach=False, launch_timeout=None, strict=False): """ Create a new session Args: pkg_name (str): android package name attach (bool): attach to already running app launch_timeout (int): launch timeout strict (bool): used along with attach, when attach and strict both true, SessionBrokenError will raise if app not running Raises: requests.HTTPError, SessionBrokenError """ if pkg_name is None: return self._default_session if not attach: request_data = {"flags": "-S"} if launch_timeout: request_data["timeout"] = str(launch_timeout) resp = self._request("post", "/session/" + pkg_name, data=request_data) if resp.status_code == 410: # Gone raise SessionBrokenError(pkg_name, resp.text) resp.raise_for_status() jsondata = resp.json() if not jsondata["success"]: raise SessionBrokenError("app launch failed", jsondata["error"], jsondata["output"]) time.sleep(2.5) # wait launch finished, maybe no need pid = self._pidof_app(pkg_name) if not pid: if strict: raise SessionBrokenError(pkg_name) return self.session(pkg_name, attach=False, launch_timeout=launch_timeout) return Session(self, pkg_name, pid)
@property @cache_return def xpath(self) -> xpath.XPath: return xpath.XPath(self) @property @cache_return def settings(self) -> Settings: return Settings(self) @property @cache_return def watcher(self) -> Watcher: return Watcher(self) @property @cache_return def taobao(self): try: import uiautomator2_taobao as tb except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "This method can only use inside alibaba network") return tb.Taobao(self) @property @cache_return def alibaba(self): try: import uiautomator2_taobao as tb except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "This method can only use inside alibaba network") return tb.Alibaba(self) @property @cache_return def image(self): from uiautomator2 import image as _image return _image.ImageX(self) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self._cached_plugins: return self._cached_plugins[attr] if attr.startswith('ext_'): plugin_name = attr[4:] if plugin_name not in self.__plugins: if plugin_name == 'xpath': import uiautomator2.xpath as xpath xpath.init() else: raise ValueError("plugin \"%s\" not registed" % plugin_name) func, args, kwargs = self.__plugins[plugin_name] obj = functools.partial(func, self)(*args, **kwargs) self._cached_plugins[attr] = obj return obj try: return getattr(self._default_session, attr) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "'Session or Device' object has no attribute '%s'" % attr) def __call__(self, **kwargs) -> Session: return self._default_session(**kwargs)
class AdbShell(object): def __init__(self, shellfn): """ Args: shellfn: Shell function """ = shellfn def wmsize(self): """ get window size Returns: (width, height) """ output, _ ="wm size") m = re.match(r"Physical size: (\d+)x(\d+)", output) if m: return map(int, m.groups()) raise RuntimeError("Can't parse wm size: " + output) def is_screen_on(self): output, _ ="dumpsys power") return 'mHoldingDisplaySuspendBlocker=true' in output def keyevent(self, v): """ Args: v: eg home wakeup back """ v = v.upper()"input keyevent " + v) def _adjust_pos(self, x, y, w=None, h=None): if x < 1: x = x * w if y < 1: y = y * h return (x, y) def swipe(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): w, h = None, None if x0 < 1 or y0 < 1 or x1 < 1 or y1 < 1: w, h = self.wmsize() x0, y0 = self._adjust_pos(x0, y0, w, h) x1, y1 = self._adjust_pos(x1, y1, w, h)"input swipe %d %d %d %d" % (x0, y0, x1, y1)) UIAutomatorServer = Device # Deprecated UIAutomatorServer